Let’s Skip This Thing

August 29, 2009

Recorded a new session tonight. I’m feeling so goddamn tired. Sick and sick with inspiration–if that’s possible. My system feels overwhelmed right now–and though this vocal take on this session is probably not a keeper, it’s probably the only thing that will ever capture exactly what I’m feeling right now.

Let’s skip this thing
get right down to the heart of the matter
let’s skip this thing
because outside there are things
bigger, meaner, and badder than me

Struggling to decide if last night actually happened or if someone dropped an Alice-pill into pint glass at Miller Time. Talk about a damn roller coaster. Not sure where to draw inspiration from…or if I should from any of it.

I love when this shit is effortless….because that so never happens.  I’m going to get drunk tonight and hopefully make out.

Little Rock Session #3: Gift.

Dear WordPress

August 16, 2009

I don’t know what’s worse–me using an emoticon or use turning it into a lame as shit smilely face.  Either way, I want to punch someone right in the cock–just not sure if that someone is myself.

Strange days

August 16, 2009

Weirdest day in this town so far.  Hit the some of the local businesses and had a couple of interesting run ins.  I’m now sitting here in my room with a handful of fresh lyrics.

“…dark skin eat

…the time of day…”
Wayne–if you’re reading this, dont’ freak out. I promise, the record won’t be wacky or anything.  😉  I might head out and check out the local watering hole tonight, I’m getting a little tired of drinking alone and , really, what better way to get a real taste of the local flavor?

Think I’ll be running tape again here in a day,  I’ve already got some music in mind for this new one.

Nicholas Cage? John Nash?  Who have I asked to throw some guitar ideas at this record? I sent this talented bastard the Room 16 demo via email and this is what came back….


Ozzy Sheraton

August 14, 2009

Wow–I think my “celebrity” is a legit, as I made an appearance on Ozzy Sheraton’s new blog. Seems like he likes me….maybe. I’m sure I’ll get throw into the wood chipper by him at some point.

Little Rock Session II: Room 16 Demo

Banged out some vocal ideas, drank some cheap bear, sang some more, played some bass, beat on some percussion. Shook it up, and this is what I came up with for a demo. I tossed in a bunch of snippets from the vocal takes and will listen in the ford for the next few days.

What the F?

August 13, 2009

Something screwy with the site tonight. Ho hum.

Room 16

August 12, 2009

Had a good session–I’ve got a complete song now. Messed around with different vocal takes and ended up mixing and matching some shit to listen to a few hundred times until I vibe on what I really dig. Still hot as shit in Virginia. Made another trip to the custard shop. I want to say the shit is growing on me, but it’s still ice cream to me (sorry Megan!)

In other news, there’s some badness going on in town. Apparently some guy offed his family. There was a tiny write up in the local rag that Gomez leaves on my doorstep every morning.
