Sessions to date

October 30, 2009

Harvey Session #1: Capturing ideas – a chorus perhaps?

Harvey Session #2 : Room 16 Demo

Harvey Session #3 : Gift Demo

Harvey Session #4 : Let’s Skip this thing

Harvey Session #5: Run Little Girl, Run

Harvey Session #6: Room 16 – full[er] arrangement, raw mix

Harvey Session #7: Once in a River (Demo)

Harvey Session #8: Thieves’ Lullaby

Keep out the dream thieves

am I asking too much

because when things change, they really change–how true has that become? you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.  Once your eyes are open and you see thingsi n the world…you can’t unsee them. ever.

Thieves’ Lullaby

(click the lick below to listen)

Seriously–this isn’t a blog anymore so much as it is lengthy and completely vague set liner notes.  Do the rest of you miss liner notes as much as I do when you buy something digital?  I used a slide on this song made from the neck of a wine bottle. A good friend of mine cut that bottle for me…probably one of hundreds we’ve shared.  I wish my skill at using it approached this slides value to me.

Watch me drown.

Little Rock Session #7: Once in a River (Demo)

(click the link below to listen to the song)
Crime in progress. Evolution. This mix is essentially an aural stew, courtesy of contributers distant and magnificent. What are you running from? Something or somebody? The arrangement is coming together–and my session musicians must think I’m cracked out…not just for the sort of parts I’m asking them to do–but for the random hours I’m leaving them messages. can’t say I’ve been sleeping much lately.

One thing I can say about the arrangement–it seems to do well to express what I can’t begin to say (for lack of words, if nothing else).

Little Rock Sessions # 6 – Room 16 Raw mix

Lead guitar – Brian T
Backing Vox – Suzen J

inter-wha’? Sandbox

October 5, 2009

when you’re too busy drowning–figuratively and literally, it’s hard to justify yammering away on the web. this record is almost written, thought it’s taken an interesting turn…the songs keep coming. I’ve got three more to demo here:

once in a river
dream light

though my voice has been feeling ragged lately from lack of sleep…so we’ll see what happens (anything can happen I’m learning) in the next few days.

Want to get involved in the record? I’m going to start up a musicians sandbox, right? Basically, I’ll be making tracks available for people to record to remotely–guitar parts, bass, banjo, sitar, vocals–I don’t care what. if it fits into the vision and doesn’t compete but adds to the parts that I’ve been gathering from musicians on my own (you know who you are)–well, you’re part of the record.

You know where to find the demos. What a great way to practice and start coming up with ideas. I’ll let you know when the sandbox is live.